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“Mi pueblo perece por falta de conocimiento”. (Oseas 4:6).


“Yo soy la vid, vosotros los sarmientos; el que permanece en mí y yo en él, ése da mucho fruto, porque separados de mí nada podéis hacer”. (Juan 15:5).


“Por tanto el hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne”. (Génesis 2:24).


“Ahora bien, sabemos que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman,a los que han sido llamados de acuerdo con su propósito”. (Romanos 8:28).


“Por consiguiente, ya no son dos, sino una sola carne. Por tanto, lo que Dios ha unido, ningún hombre lo separe”. (Mateo 19:6).

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023

¿How should you act when someone doesn't like you?


¿How should you act when someone doesn't like you?

In these times, getting excited about a person and not being to his liking, is something much more common than normal, the abnormal is the position or bad attitude that someone assumes when he discovers that he is not reciprocated.

Unfortunately, some people when they are not reciprocated, behave as if they have received an offense, hate and insult, others use pity to manipulate, but there is also the group of those who are victimized.

It is important to understand that when a person lets another know, immediately that he likes him only as a friend, he is demonstrating with that fact, respect and affection, instead; If someone pretends to be attracted to you, to benefit from the affection or admiration you have for him, that human being, on the contrary, does not appreciate you because he is dishonest, calculating and frivolous.

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